Trash Pickup:
Garbage is picked up every Thursday. All trash must be in the Sweetheimer provided trash container (toter). The toter will hold the equivalent to 6 (six) bags of trash. Please ensure that toter is placed at the curb or alley (depending on your pickup location) with the wheels away from the road by 7 a.m. Please do not place trash toter close to any objects, such as telephone poles, mail boxes, or vehicles, as this will prevent the trash company from collecting your trash during their weekly coolection. The town provides one trash toter per residence. If you have a need for additional trash pickup (an additional toter or large items), please contact Sweetheimer Trash Removal at (574) 594-5142.
Yard Waste and Brush:
The Street Department regularly picks up yard waste on Mondays, unless something else should take priority. This includes grass clippings and leaves, as well as, brush. All yard waste needs to be placed in a paper or plastic bag, box, or container and should not include any trash. It needs to be no heavier than 1 person can pick up by hand. Yard waste and brush will be picked up from the street and alleyways away from any objects, such as telephone poles, mail boxes, and vehicles. All brush must be cut up in pieces no longer than eight feet and must be no larger than 4” in diameter. It should be stacked at the edge of the curb or alley, but not in the roadway.
During leaf pickup season (Approximately end of October – Week before Thanksgiving), leaves can be put in piles at the edge of the curb and not in the roadway away from any objects, such as telephone poles, mail boxes, and vehicles. Leaf pickup does not occur in alley ways. There should be no sticks, stones, trash, or toys in the piles of leaves. These items damage the town’s equipment.
No contracted labor for the removal of trees and brush will be picked up by the town.
Entire tree removal will not be picked up, however, you can contact the Street Superintendent, Steven Marquart (574-518-0567), to get permission and location to dispose of any excess brush.
Snow Removal:
The Street Department strives to keep our town’s streets and utilities in fine order. Emergencies are first order of business; then general maintenance and up keep. When the snow flies, trucks are out getting the streets cleared of snow and ice. Please note that the downtown area is no parking after 2:00 AM so that the snow may be removed prior to the next business day. Do not push snow into the streets.
Spring and Fall Cleanup:
The Town of Milford holds a spring clean-up in April and a fall clean-up in September every year. This gives residents the opportunity to bring their large items to the shop for disposal. No appliances with freon, and no electronics i.e. TV’s computers, etc.
Reach Alert:
The town uses a resident notification system called REACH Alert. You can sign up at by clicking on “Sign Up” and creating an account or by calling REACH Alert at (877) 307-9313. This will allow you to get notifications from the town via text message, email, or phone call per your personal preference.
Call Steven at (574) 518-0597 with any questions.